Twilight Trailer leaks. Fans rejoice. Vamps rejuice.

Monday, October 13, 2008

So unless you've been living under a rock -- or could care less, like most people over the age of 15 -- the Twilight trailer has been leaked on YouTube. Hurray?

Unfortunately it doesn't show too much, so if you're starting to develop ~*sparkling*~ blue balls in anticipation of any hot and heavy Bella/Edward action (and face it, you'll have to wait 3 more movies and 6 more years for that to happen. If Breaking Dawn can even be filmed, that is), check out that other werewolf-vampire-angsty girl love triangle, True Blood, currently showing Sundays on HBO.

Considering how similar the two series are (Okay, okay. They're different. Bella is a speshul snowflake and Edward can't read her mind, and Bill is a speshul snowflake and Sookie can't read his mind. Happy now?) it wouldn't be far fetched to take the Harlequin Romance Novel inspired True Blood mid-season finale and paste poor Kristen Stewart and R Pattz's heads over Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer. Hey, they'd be more attractive!

For all you spoilerphobics out there, avoid the following if you don't want to ruin the episode:

PS -- as my roommate discovered, the scene plays much better to Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights. I voted Ennio Morricone's Ecstacy of Gold, though in retrospect I Will Come To You is probably the best match.

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