More videogame and comic movies. Oh boy.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

While at least we can take heart that Uwe Boll isn't involved with any of these projects, it does seem like the producers are scraping the bottom of the barrel -- though what else is new.

Mass Effect is the first to get the studio treatment -- unsurprising since Bioshock has been in development for some time. But since The Rock has already been there done Doom, they probably won't find anyone interesting for Shepard. Project director Casey Hudson said in interviews that Aliens, Blade Runner, Star Wars, and Wrath of Khan all served as influences for the game. Gee, I wonder if this movie will be as good as those.

Second in line is less predictable and far more ludicrous: The Sims. Yes, that's right. The Sims. Not Sim City, not Sim Farms. The Sims. You know, that game with no plot? Well, I'm sure the movie will just be full of twists and turns. (And maybe some ghosts or mad scientists?)

And to prove that third is not always the charm, Megan Fox will be playing a mermaid in Fathom, one of the 42850259 low-reader comic-to-screen projects announced recently. Apparently the project is being "rewritten" to work as a vehicle for Fox ... aka the original script sucked something fierce and producers are banking on her sex appeal to make their $ back. Not sure how this will work since a mermaid can't spread 'em, but I'm sure they'll find away around that.

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