All your cable are belong to us
Anime fans go batshit after Adult Swim changes lineup, reports fandom_wank.
Those changes include moving Bleach back to 11 PM, pushing Code Geass and Moribito to 5:00–6:00 a.m., and nixing Shin Chan and Inuyasha. Oh, they'll also be showing Full Metal Alchemist reruns.
Actually, all of this aside from FMA airtime sounds reasonable. Thank the heavens Inuyasha is gone, I mean, have these people ranting ever seen the show to begin with? Bleach is pretty good, but all the others are utter crap, made ten thousand times worse by the horrible American voice acting. I'm not quite sure why CN hasn't yet developed an anime channel to keep these people quiet yet.
Here's another idea: English dubs during the day, English subs at night. That way if you want to watch cool yet mediocre shows without totally ruining them (see: Trigun) the Japanese versions are available.
Incidentally, CN probably has a good idea of what their viewer base is, and which shows actually get watched. Inuyasha is about as old as the dinosaurs by this point and its not surprising that it wouldn't be popular, especially since there are much nicer alternatives now, which there weren't when it first came over. Also, doesn't everyone know that railing on a messageboard doesn't do jack shit other than earn some cash through web ads? Network execs have better things to do, and even if they didn't, they'd surely enjoy the lulz.
Anyway, the new lineup is here.
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